Bean to Bar Success Story

Bean to Bar Success Story

Success Stories

After selling their previous company, Cameron Ring and Todd Masonis of Dandelion Chocolate experimented making chocolate for fun in their garage. After a while they shared their chocolates with friends and family. They were all delighted which led Todd and Cam to realize that this was no ordinary chocolate. 

Even though they did not start out with a desire to be in the chocolate making business they have grown into a multinational bean to bar chocolate making company that focuses on the cocoa bean and the flavors garnered from the bean. They see the value in working directly with the farmers buying beans at a fair market value and creating chocolate that pays tribute to their hard work and the essence of the beans. 

Do you dream of following in their footsteps? At CocoaTown we want to help you to realize your dreams. Join us on September 21st from 10 am - 12 Noon EST US for a free webinar on the Bean to Bar chocolatemaking by acclaimed chocolate maker Chef Erika Cline.

Here is the link to register 

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Meet Chef Erika Cline
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Bean to Bar Webinar Intro by Chef Erika Cline